InKemia IUCT receives funding for a new R+D project
<p>The project is a platform that makes it easier for companies to develop medicine and therapeutic treatments for rare diseases</p>
Inkemia IUCT, the knowledge division of the Catalan company InKemia, has won a grant for a collaborative R+D project focused on rare diseases. This project, within the framework of Comunitats RIS3CAT and part of ACCIÓ, is also supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The approved project is the Accelerator in rare diseases of Catalonia, which will involve operating revenues of over €205,000 for the InKemia group between 2016 and 2017. This group project, led by InKemia, will involve seven SMEs, a pharmaceutical company and the Hospital Vall d'Hebron Foundation. The project will involve a total investment from all the consortium members of 2.47 million euros.
The project is focused on developing a platform of several companies to form a Technology Cluster to make it easier and more efficient to discover therapeutic treatments for rare diseases. Thanks to the technological expertise that bring together the businesses participating in the cluster, companies will have a way to competitively and continuously develop new drugs aimed at rare diseases.
InKemia's participation will focus on developing therapeutic treatments for the rare disease Myotonic Dystrophy (MD), in which Inkemia IUCT has had good results from previous research. Myotonic Dystrophy type 1, or Steinert disease, affects 1 in every 8,000 people and there is no effective treatment for sufferers.