ACC1Ó will hold the second of four practical sessions on negotiating technology transfer contracts on 23th February in Barcelona. These sessions have been designed for Catalan companies and members of the TECNIO network that manage international R&D&i projects. Innovation and technology transfer are one of the priorities established in the Competitiveness Agreement for 2008-2011, signed by the Government of Catalonia, trade unions and associations from the sector.
The focus of this session, which will be given by Ignasi Costas –a lawyer with RCD Tax and Legal Advisors- will be collaborative research projects and private/public projects.
There will also be a presentation on the Technology Mission Program, which is subsidized by the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and aims to help Catalan companies find partners for international joint technology projects both under the framework of Eureka and Iberoeka projects and through bilateral agreements with China, Canada, India and Korea.
The remaining three sessions, dates to be confirmed, will deal with technology transfer and spin-offs, and technology transfer and commercialization negotiations.
These training sessions are co-funded by the EC. Additionally, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), which covers 44 countries, provides a free technology search tool to help find international technology partners. With this service, companies can publish their profile offering or requesting technology, find out about technology exchange meetings at a number of European industrial fairs, or request specialized support once the technology transfer process is underway.
Sign up (Free)
Anyone interested can send specific questions to be dealt with during the session to tteen@acc10.cat
Date: 23th February 2010
Place: Hotel Gallery · C/ Rosselló, 249 · Barcelona (Spain)