The Catalan pharmaceutical company Lacer, which this year celebrates its 60th anniversary, will finish year 2009 with an investment of over 12 million Euros in R+D+i and a growth superior to 7%. In 2008 it had a turnover of 140 million Euros.
Lacer focuses on four lines of activity: pharmaceutical products (prescription specialties), personal health (EFP and cosmetics), generic drugs and manufacturing for third parties, both for the national and international markets. It is necessary to highlight its bond with the biotechnological sector, as a promoting partner of Salupharma Biosimilars, pioneering company in Spain in the field of biosimilar medicines. Salupharma Biosimilars has established recently a strategic alliance with the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) for the reciprocal transfer of knowledge and technology.
This impulse of the R+D+i activity is a strategic re-orientation of Lacer's Pharmaceutical Division. In words of José Miguel Noriega, division managing director, "as a national pharmaceutical company without the economic power of the big multinationals we compete with, we have to search imaginative formulas to promote our innovation."