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By Biocat

The Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, in collaboration with the European Commission, are presenting the new Horizon 2020 research and innovation framework program in Spain on 11 and 12 November in Madrid. The event will be inaugurated by Minister Luis de Guindos and European Commissioner for Research and Innovation Máire Geoghegan-Quinn. The opening conference will be given by Carmen Vela, secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation.

The event will feature various representatives of the EU, Spanish government and associated bodies, who will explain the aims, structure, priorities and participation rules for the 2014-2020 framework program. They will also analyze the opportunities for Spain and emphasize the strategies needed to promote Spanish participation and foster leadership of projects.

Horizon 2020 has a budget of €80,000 millions and the first calls for proposals will be launched on 1 January 2014. The main changes from the previous program, the 7th Framework Program (7FP), are the 46% budget increase, greater focus on social challenges like sustainable health and agrifood —with €8,028 millions and €4,152 millions respectively—, a simplified processes and participation of non-EU countries (China and Brazil, among others).

The full program is available at

Registration is now closed due to lack of space.

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