Ministry of Industry grants subsidies of up to €65,000 for patents
These grants aim to promote international protection of technology and improve competitiveness of SMEs.

The Ministry of Industry has announced that they will grant subsidies to encourage companies to apply for patents and thus promote international protection of technology and improve the competitiveness of Spanish SMEs (and freelance workers) who aim to or currently trade in foreign markets. The maximum amount for each grant will be €65,000. The deadline to apply for these grants is 18 April.
To apply, candidates must visit the online headquarters of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. Resolution of this call for proposals will be done within six months of the deadline for applications.
A pending challenge for companies as well as 'biotech'
According to the Biocat Report 2009, the number of patent applications per inhabitant in Spain is only one third of the European average and, as shown in the analysis carried out in the report, the number of patents and new companies generated by our research centers –which are clear indicators of how scientific innovation leads to productive innovation– is truly low.
271 biotechnology patents were identified in 2009 that belong to a member organization of the Spanish Association of Biotechnology Companies (Asebio). Of these inventions, 159 are associated companies, up 35% from the previous year (on applications and concessions).
If we take into account the number of patent applications and concessions generated by Spanish biotechnology organizations, the CSIC was the most active in terms of industrial property in 2009, with 65 inventions. The next most active groups were PharmaMar with 41 and CIMA with 37 inventions, followed by Palau Pharma (10), Natraceutical and Oryzon (7).