More than 60 health companies and organizations from the BioRegion take part in 4YFN
<p>At a time of maximum splendor in the sector, <a href="…; target="_blank">4YFN</a> is starting, one of the most important international events aimed at startups, which positions Barcelona as a benchmark in digital entrepreneurship. This year, the life and health sciences sector is consolidating with the maximum participation of companies and institutions in the sector.</p>

For the second year in a row, 4YFN, one of the most important international events aimed at startups, which positions Barcelona as a benchmark in digital entrepreneurship, shares space at the Gran Via de Barcelona fairgrounds with the Mobile World Congress (MWC).
The event, which begins on February 28 and will run until March 3, will be attended and attended by more than 60 companies and entities from the BioRegion, including ABLE Human Motion, Accexible, Aimentia HealthTech, Amelia Virtual Care, Aortyx, Barcelona Health Hub, Benesit, BIO2COAT, Bitac, Biocat, Breaz Medical, Core Sys, Cube Technology Innovation, Cuideo, Doctomatic, Doole Health, DTI Foundation, Edryx Healhtcare, Elem Biotech, Elsetic, Emocional, Ephion health, Exheus, Gate2Brain, Gloria, Healht Circuit, Heecap, HumanITCare, IOMED, Kamleon, Loop Dx, Matchtrial, Mediktor, Mediobioinfrmatics solutions, Medxat Hospital & Healthcare, Meeting doctors, Methinks, MiWEndo, mjn-neuro, Mowoot,, Nestlé Global IT Hub Barcelona, Newborn Solutions, Nixi for Children, Psicoterapia VR, Qualud, Rehub by Dycare, Rheo Diagnostics, Robin Hat, SeniorDomo, Sense4Care, Sycai medical, The Blue Box, The Smart Lollipop, Time is Brain, Top Doctors, UhDa Health, Vottun, WIVI Vision, Xarxa TECSAM and XKelet.
Many of them will take advantage of this opportunity to share their achievements over the past year, despite the difficulties of the pandemic. Here’s a bit more about some of them:
- ABLE Human Motion, a startup that has designed a robotic exoskeleton that helps people with disabilities walk again, will present ABLE Care, a cloud-based mobile app for personalized, data-based therapy.The company, which took part in the Biocat CRAASH Barcelona, acceleration program, is conducting clinical trials in Germany and Spain to demonstrate the safety, feasibility and usability of the product. Over the past year, they have signed their first five pre-order deals with medical centers.
- Accexible, the artificial intelligence platform for detecting illnesses through speech analysis, presents "Emotional Thermometer", an alert system that detects in 30 seconds if the user needs professional support. Since its founding in 2018, Accexible has launched 2 products related to mental health and cognitive impairment.
AORTYX, a startup that is delivering a new generation of endovascular devices to treat vascular diseases using technology based on tissue regeneration imitating the biomechanical environment of the aorta, has seen good results in trials with sheep and plans to begin clinical trials late this year.
ReHub by Dycare, the ReHub digital telerehabilitation platform from the startup Dycare, will present its new function, which incorporates artificial vision into the inertial sensors to create a more complete digital therapeutic platform. DKV has adopted ReHub in order to improve the care it provides patients at its affiliated rehabilitation centers throughout Spain.
Helth Circuit, a company that offers a smart digital platform for healthcare users, has raised funding through the ACCIÓ Startup Capital program and has announced that it will be coming out with a new version of its Health Circuit for PREHAB product in June, thanks to a deal with UhDa Health.
HumanITCare, a solution that uses big data to monitor diseases, has been chosen as a finalist for one of the most important awards at the 2022 MWC: the 4YFN Awards. Plus, this year the startup has begun operating in Brazil, the largest healthcare market in Latin America.
LoopDx, the solution developing a fast test for early detection of bacterial blood infections, has recently been granted a European patent. The startup took part in the Biocat d·HEALTH Barcelona program.
MedBioinformatic Solution recently announced the launch of DISGENET, a research support platform for diseases and genes. The solution covers more than 22,000 genes and 31,000 associated diseases.
Mowoot, the non-invasive medical device that stimulates the large intestine, was granted a European patent this February. Plus, the Mowoot II Intestinal Transit Management System device has been given Breakthrough Device status from the US Food and Drug Administration.
NewBorn Solutions, a startup that focuses on medical devices to detect particles in surface liquids in order to save lives and improve health, has seen significant advances in the clinical results from proof-of-concept studies and viability results for secondary applications based on artificial intelligence at top-notch hospitals like Bellvitge, Can Ruti and others.
Psious has announced it is changing its trade name to Amelia Virtual Care. The product is also changing to become a more intuitive platform with improved end-of-session reports, changes to the virtual reality library, new educational content and new avatars for a more personalized experience. In addition to the rebranding, the company also has a new logo, corporate colors, website and virtual reality platform.
Top Doctors, the startup with the benchmark international medical team, is presenting Top Farma, a platform that specializes in the digital transformation for pharmacies.
WIVI Vision, a digital tool that helps assess visual dysfunctions, has made its technology available through the General Óptica clinics. In addition, the solution has expanded the services of evaluation and training of the product valid from 7 to 99 years.
16 healthtech startups in the BioRegion you won’t want to miss at 4YFN 2022
Again this year, 4YFN will have a specific program on health. The Digital Health & Wellness Summit, will be held on Wednesday, March 2, discussing the implementation of technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, HPC, blockchain, augmented reality and virtual reality for healthcare.
Plus, that same day, 16 healthtech startups from the BioRegion will explain their innovative solutions at the Tech Barcelona corner (Hall 6, booth 6B51) in two sessions. The first will be from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm and the second, from 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm.
- Check out the full list of participants. Don’t miss them!
Digital health companies, a subsector that saw an increase in investment for the fifth year in a row
In 2021, digital health startups in the BioRegion raised €63 million, nearly twice as much as in 2020, consolidating the increase in funds raised for the fifth year in a row. The main driving force for this growth was venture capital, with international participation playing a key role
In recent years, the number of digital health firms has also been on the rise, reaching over 200, which is 10 times more innovative companies than in 2010. This increase is reflected in the youth and explosive growth of the subsector, with joint turnover of €311 million, as shown in the 2021 BioRegion Report. So, the average company is young, with fewer than five years in the business, and has no more than 10 employees.
The main types of technology these companies use are artificial intelligence (with techniques like machine learning and deep learning), virtual reality, big data, augmented reality and 3D printing. Artificial intelligence and virtual reality have received more investment than other types of technology.