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Otsuka and Biocat, as official healthcare sponsors of the Imagine Express 2017 program, have opened a call for proposals of ideas associated with mobile apps that can provide innovative solutions to current challenges in healthcare. The deadline to submit proposals is Monday 6 February and an official panel of judges will choose the three best ideas to participate in Imagine Express 2017.

Imagine Express is a program that aims to promote new businesses in the mobile sector and takes place over a 4-day train trip on the Barcelona-Paris-London line under the framework of the Mobile World Congress. From 24 to 27 February 2017, participants (12 creative minds, 12 software engineers and 12 entrepreneurs who have never met before) will face the challenge of creating 3 groups to come up with apps for one of the 4 strategic sectors selected, one of which is healthcare.

Otsuka and Biocat have proposed three healthcare challenges participants should focus on in coming up with solutions. The first challenge is geared towards healthcare professionals, institutions and patients’ associations, the second challenge is for Otsuka employees and the third challenge is for the general public. The winners in each category will be announced on 9 February.

When they arrive in London, participants will present their ideas to investors and the best team in each sector will receive mentoring to help them carry out their project successfully. Back in Barcelona, the entrepreneurs will present their projects at the Mobile World Congress, in the 4YFN space, and move into incubators in the city.

More information on how to submit an idea is available here.

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