President of the Biocat Executive Committee to moderate round table on innovation at CatalunyaMón Forum
The Government of Catalonia, through the Department of the Vice-Presidency and the Patronat CatalunyaMón, drives the CatalunyaMón Forum, a symposium where representatives from business, politics, institutions, academia and cultural bodies will debate and analyze the internationalization process in Catalonia. The Forum, which will be held on 3 June at the Auditori (Barcelona), will allow for a diagnosis of the current situation and establishment of future strategies to consolidate Catalonia’s position in the world.
In the current situation, Vice-president of the Government of Catalonia, Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira, believes that “Catalonia’s internationalization is an irreversible process” and pointed out that the Forum will raise awareness of our region’s potential and needs among foreign participants, “which are two of Catalonia’s most important assets”. Catalonia’s economy is strongly open to foreign markets, accounting for more than one fourth of all Spanish exports and with more than 14,000 companies that work in the international market (300 are multinational companies).
The CatalunyaMón Forum will be structured around three round tables: Catalonia in the world: creativity and uniqueness; Intensive innovation and knowledge: tools for the future, and The Catalan economy: internationalization strategies. President of the Biocat Executive Committee, Manel Balcells, will moderate the second round table, with participation from Andreu Mas-Collell, secretary general of the European Research Council and president of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics; Pedro Nueno, president of the Shanghai/Beijing CEIBS and professor at IESE; Antoni Esteve, president of Esteve; and Màrius Rubiralta, secretary general for Universities in the Spanish Ministry of Education.
Date: Thursday, 3 June 2010
Time: 9 am to 2 pm
Place: The Auditori • C/ Lepant, 150 • Barcelona (Spain)