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The professor of Modern History, Roberto Fernández, has won the elections to become rector of the University of Lleida (UdL) for the next four years. His rival has been Jaume Lloveras, professor of the Upper Technical College of Agricultural Engineering. Fernández has obtained 54% of the votes and Lloveras 33% (13% votes in white). Fernández will be definitively proclaimed rector next 12th of May and will take up the rectorship at the end of this month.

The historian has won easily in five of the seven schools (Arts School, Law & Economics School, School of Education, Medicine School and Upper Polytechnic School) while the professor Lloveras of the Upper Technical College of Agricultural Engineering (ETSEA) has been the more voted only in one. As for the different collectives, Fernández has won in all, among doctor teaching staff with permanent relationship with the university, as well as among students, academic staff, and administration and services staff.

A total of 10,258 persons (8,776 students, 495 members of the administration and services staff and 987 teachers) have been able to vote. The participation has been of 25%, where doctor teaching staff with permanent relationship with the university has been the collective which has voted most actively (88%). The winner has appraised very positively the participation, which exceeds that of the last rector elections in 14 points.

The new rector has asked for the collaboration of all University collectives to govern and has also asked the institutions of Lleida for support. The future rector has reminded about the most urgent matter now, to cut the budget the minimum and, especially, that cuts do not affect UdL staff.

Roberto Fernández is a university teacher in Lleida since 1980 and obtained the chair in 1992. He was the first director of the Institute of Sciences of the Education of the General Study of Lleida, dean of the Arts School and director of the department of History of Art and Social History. He has a long teaching and research career, and he is expert in Spanish and Catalan XVIII century history.

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