Registration open for latest edition of BioEmprenedorXXI
The call for projects to participate in the program is open through 1 June

The call for projects for the latest edition of BioEmprenedorXXI is now open. This program offers support in the creation of technology-based companies devoted to any discipline in the life sciences arena in Catalonia, for example biomedicine, biotechnology, medical technology or the agrifood sector.
Participants will receive training, mentoring, information on access to funding and networking activities. This way, BioEmprenedorXXI helps entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life by developing a business plan, broadening their network of contacts and access to the global market, providing training in their sector as well as in executive skills, and expert advice in defining and consolidating the new company, among other resources and tools.
BioEmprenedorXXI is an initiative of “la Caixa”, Barcelona Activa and Biocat that is now in its seventh edition, with support from companies like Osborne Clarke, VirAudit, Almirall, Ferrer, Grifols and Asphalion. Of the more than 95 entrepreneurial initiatives that have participated in the program since it was created, 51 have gone on to set up companies and 9 are in the process of doing so. In total, 232 new jobs have been created.
More information is available on the BioEmprenedorXXI website