Research, patenting and doing business
The contest Valortec ACC1Ó and university evaluation units drive technology to the market.
By Biocat
For the second year, ACC1Ó and Catalan universities evaluation units, as well as Catalan business schools, encourage researchers to apply their knowledge to develop products and services with marketing possibilities through Valortec contest.
The competition has two categories:
- Business plan/patent marketing / technology
- Business plan for a technology- based company (EBT)
Winners will receive free training to prepare and defend their business plan and have a tutor assigned who will guide them through the process of carrying out the plan. In addition, each category will be awarded a first prize of € 10,000 and a second prize of €5,000 (non-cash, but payment for outsourcing services to run their business plan).
Different units will enhance the continuity of recovery projects and will support them once the competition is over to make effective their business plans. The units are formed by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Barcelona (Bosch i Gimpera Foundation), University of Girona, University of Lleida, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Pompeu Fabra University, Ramon Llull University (La Salle IQS), Universitat Rovira i Virgili, University of Vic and EADA Business School, Esade and IESE.
Registration period: from 3 to 28 September 2012
Notification of finalists: 15 October 2012
More information on the website of ACC1Ó (in Catalan).