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The second edition of the Foundation Ramiro Carregal-La Rosaleda International Award will remain open until next 18th February  2013. It recognizes the work and scientific career in the field of cancer research aimed to create, develop and apply new biological and clinical knowledge  on cancer. Research and health centers, public or private, from all around the world  are eligible for the € 15,000  award.

The jury's honorary president, the businessman Ramiro Carregal, said during the presentation in Santiago de Compostela (Spain),  that he was "very pleased to have launched this initiative," especially after the "success of the first edition," which featured some scientists and researchers from leading national and international panorama. The winner of the first edition was the former director of the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), Mariano Barbacid.

For his part, Dr  Rafael López, Chief of Medical Oncology at the University Hospital of Santiago and executive chairman of the award jury, recalled that "one in two men and one in three women will have cancer" and that medical sector hopes are pinned on research.

In addition to Dr Lopez, other jury members include doctors Juan Jesús Cruz, president of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM); Manuel Freire-Garabal, Professor of pharmacology at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC); Juan Gestal Otero, dean of the UCS; Francisco González García, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation and  Professor of Medicine at USC, and Rafael Silva Agregán, managing director of the Hospital La Rosaleda.

Award Bases

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