Secretariat of State for R&D&i announces second Severo Ochoa call for proposals
This call is geared towards Spanish centers that carry out frontier research and are among the best in the world in their respective areas.

By Biocat
The Secretariat of State for R&D&i —part of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness— has published their 2012 call for proposals for the Severo Ochoa Support for Centers and Units of Excellence subprogram, for a total of €20 millions. The deadline to submit proposals is 6 August 2012.
The centers that obtain the Severo Ochoa certification will receive a €4-millions grant over four years. This certification is geared towards Spanish centers and units that carry out frontier research and are among the best in the world in their respective areas. The international impact and scientific leadership of the centers is key to obtaining this recognition.
Thus, according to the Secretariat of State for R&D&i, the centers and units that present their bid must meet very strict levels of quality in terms of scientific production, attracting international talent, and attracting competitive resources on an international level. At the same time, they will be required to have the appropriate mechanisms in place to monitor scientific results.
There will be three scientific evaluating committees: one for the life sciences and medicine; one for mathematics, experimental science and engineering; and one for the humanities and social sciences.
More information is available on the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness website.
- Related news (19/10/2012)
- News on centers certified in 2011 (5/10/2011)
- News on 2011 call (19/4/2011)