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Now through 11 April, the scientific community can present their biomedical research of excellence on acquired spinal and brain damage to the Fundació La Marató de TV3 call for proposals.

Selected projects will be funded with the donations received during the 2010 La Marató program, which at the close totaled 7,385,625 euros, although this number will continue to grow as donations can be made through 31 March.

Researchers that carry out their work in one Catalan research center or those who work in different centers, both nationally and internationally, are eligible to participate in this call, thus fostering translation collaboration in scientific research.

Projects presented in this call will be evaluated over the coming months by international scientists specializing in acquired spinal and brain damage, through a process of peer review. This evaluation, organized by the Department of Health’s Agency for Information, Evaluation and Quality in Healthcare (AIAQS), will evaluate the projects’ relevance to science and social healthcare, as well as their quality and methodological rigor.

The adjudication of funds from the 2010 La Marató program will be made public in November of this year.

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