"Towards Personalized Cancer Medicine": a conference organized by Barcelona and New York

The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), Talència and Obra Social “la Caixa”, in conjunction with various international and Catalan organizations, including Biocat, will host an international conference on personalized cancer medicine, one of the hottest topics in science today, in Barcelona from 19th to 21st May 2010.
Keynote speaker and Nobel Prize in Medicine (1989) and director of G.W. Hooper Research Foundation University of California (San Francisco, USA), J. Michael Bishop, will kick off the conference with his presentation The Cancer Genome and Therapeutics. This will be followed by a full program of multidisciplinary plenary sessions aimed at exploring the individual nature of cancer and assessing how recent advances in oncology research could soon provide fully personalized cancer care. Topics will encompass risk, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer, and the development of new cancer therapies.
The organizing committee comprises Dr. Josep Baselga (Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, VHIO, Barcelona); Dr. Alison Farrell (Nature Medicine); Dr. Joan Massagué (Sloan-Kettering Institute, New York; and the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona); Dr. Stephen H. Friend (Sage Bionetworks); Dr. Manuel Perucho (Institute of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of Cancer, Barcelona; and Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute); and Dr. Brian Pollok (Life Technologies).
Plenary sessions:
- Biology (Processes that Lead to Cancer)
- Genetics and Epigenetics (Cancer Susceptibility)
- Oncogenomics and Tumor Profiling
- Biomarkers for Prognosis/Response: Impact on Clinical Trials
- Targeted Therapies I
- Workshop on the Latest Technologies / Targeted Therapies II
Call for poster abstracts:
Young investigators, post-docs and students will have the opportunity to present their work to world-class researchers such as Dr. Massagué and Dr. Baselga in poster sessions sponsored by Biocat. The poster sessions will be held during breaks between the plenary sessions (refer to the program).
The organizing committee will also select a handful of abstracts to be presented in ten-minute oral presentations at the conference.
Poster abstracts will be accepted until 19th March 2010. Application information can be obtained by sending an email with the words “abstract information” in the subject heading (no other text is required) to personalmed@nyas.org.
For more information, contact the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS): (001) 212-298-8618
Register now! (Early bird discount on registration until 26th March 2010)
This event is accredited by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). For more information on credits, visit the ESMO website. ESMO members that wish to register should contact Claire Whalen (cwhalen@nyas.org).
Date: from 19th to 21st may 2010
Place: CosmoCaixa Barcelona • C/ Isaac Newton, 26 • Barcelona (Spain)