The UAB Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine inaugurates a new space of 1,500 square meters with an Open Day
This enlargement has allowed to grow from 90 to 160 researchers and to accommodate new research groups on genomics, transcriptomics and immunology.

The Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine Vicent Villar Palasí (IBB) of the UAB was founded in 1970, and today has opened today a new space of 1,500 square meters dedicated to research and to technology transfer in sector companies.
The enlargement corresponds to the Research B Unit (MRB) of the UAB Research Park, funded partially with the budget of the UAB-Campus of International Excellence. With this enlargement the IBB accommodates 18 research groups structured in seven areas of expertise: bioinformatics, cell biology, structural biology, genomics, immunology, microbiology and proteomics.
The Institute director, Isidre Gibert, has highlighted that with this inauguration we have made a step forward in researchers, we have grown from 90 to 160, among whom there are UAB teachers, ICREA researchers, Ramón y Cajal researchers, postdoctoral researchers, predoctoral interns and technical staff dedicated to the support and functioning of the different groups, services and technological platforms.
Since year 2000, the main areas of work of the IBB research groups have been grouped around biotechnology and biomedicine with the objective of transferring scientific research advances.
Open Day
In order to show the research activity and the new facilities, the IBB will be open to the public until next 28th October.