Universal Medica Group is holding the 2012 Innovation Prize for biotech SMEs and researchers
The winner, who will be announced at the Innovation Days congress in Paris, will receive €100,000 in cash and free consultancy services from Universal Medica for a year.

By Biocat
French group Universal Medica has announced the fourth edition of their 2012 Innovation Prize in the life sciences arena, which is part of the Innovation Days 2012 congress to be held 1 through 3 October 2012 in Cité Universitaire in Paris. Biocat is one of the organizations collaborating on this event, together with GSK, Ipsen, MSD, Sanofi, and the Swiss Biotech Association, among others.
The award is geared towards biotechnology SMEs and academic researchers carrying out research studies on preventative or curative therapies and medical and technological devices. The deadline to register is 12 April 2012.
The 15 finalists will have the opportunity to present their projects at Innovation Days 2012. The winner will receive €100,000 in cash and one year of free services from Universal Medica Group. This consultancy, specializing in health, is based in Paris and has branched in Philadelphia (United States) and Shanghai (China).
Candidates will be judged by a panel of experts from international institutions and pharmaceutical groups such as Jean Deregnaucourt of the Institut Pasteur, Olivier Le Dour of the European Commission, Manfred Horst of MSD and Pierre-Noël Lirsac of LFB.
The projects will be selected according to the following criteria:
- Scientific quality of the project
- Intellectual property
- Scientific experience of research team
- Feasibility of the project
- Potential for success on the market
- Register to submit a project (deadline 12 April 2012)
- Register for Innovation Days 2012 congress
Questions: prix-innovation@universal-biotech.com
The Innovation Days congress aims to promote technology transfer and collaboration in life sciences projects. It brings together representatives from the pharmaceutical industry, public research groups, early-stage biotechnology companies, public sector-support bodies, investors and experts in technology transfer and intellectual property from France and other countries.
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