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During the year 2008, the line of help directed at the creation of Technological Innovation Kernels of ACC1Ó, have supported thirty eight R+D projects. Almost a fourth part of these projects are related to biotechnology and medical technologies areas. This fact confirms these sectors’ consolidation and a possible future engine for the Catalan economy.

The realisation of these projects will mobilise over 60 million Euros in R+D activities, some 36,7 % of which they will subsidise themselves through this line of help thoroughly lost, reducing like this the high risk in the execution of the project. The medium help granted by project has been from 600,000 Euros.

This will help Catalonia to position internationally in a leading position in fields like high accuracy optics, multiple sclerosis treatment, intelligent textiles or the neurorehabilitation. Funded projects are characterised for its high contained technical content and high risk. The deadline is of 2 years. Among them, we highlight:

  1. Universem. Project of Bioteic Giny AIE fruit of the union of four new Catalan biotechnological companies: Neurotec Pharma, Aromics, Aleria Biodevices and Medivet Pharma in collaboration with Inveready Capital Company. Universem will develop a treatment for the multiple sclerosis and tools to facilitate new drugs research, as well as other pathologies with symptoms of inflammation of the central nervous system.
  2. Montsianell improving. Project of Orycamb Project AIE to improve the variety Montsianell, a traditional Ebro river delta rice. The aim is to diversify its commercial expansion and perpetuate its production through biotechnological tools environmentally friendly.
  3. Analysis of the genetic information impact on the prediction of cardiovascular illness through a genotipat tool which will confirm and validate variables associated with the appearance of cardiopathies. Led by the Foundation IMIM and the participation of Gendiag i Ferrer inCode.
  4. Study of advanced techniques of neuronal modelization and stimulation. The goal is to analyse the basic mechanisms of interfaces computer-brain and to design technologies of in vitro simulation for the cerebral stimulation research. It counts with the participation of Starlab Barcelona, Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer and Industrial Innovation Microelectronics Design.

Other funded projects are related to sectors like the textile, car industry, mechanics, optics, metallurgy, aeronautics, energy, environment and TIC.

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