The EDAH project (Interconnecting innovation ecosystems for common European data space in Health), funded through the Horizon Europe program, aims to foster dialog and development for more inclusive, vibrant, diverse and interconnected European innovation ecosystems in order to achieve the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

Data for more efficient innovative medicine
EDAH aims to contribute to the construction of the EHDS with the goal of enabling Europe to take full advantage of this exceptional opportunity to leverage the growing volume of health data for healthcare, research and development, policy formulation, regulatory purposes, and personalized medicine.
Main actions
The first phase of the EDAH project (2022-2024) focuses on analysis and building dialog.
The main tasks are:
- Guaranteeing a coherent overview of strategic developments associated with the EHDS, and promoting further understanding among the seven participating ecosystems, getting all the stakeholders in the quadruple helix involved.
- Establishing a coordination mechanism to connect significant stakeholders in innovation ecosystems around Europe and getting them involved in conversations on the challenges and opportunities for advancing the EHDS.
- Scaling up dialog in the European Union by developing pathways for collaboration with the sitting presidents (Czech Republic, Sweden, Spain and Belgium), contributing inputs to set their agendas.
- EDAH has developed 7 case studies from different EU Member States, analyzing their challenges and needs in the face of implementing the EHDS. You can find the SWOT analyses for Portugal, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Bulgaria, Spain, Belgium, and Hungary on the project's website.
In the second phase, a Joint Action Plan will be developed, validated and finalized to promote synergies among ecosystems and advance the European Health Data Space.