Barcelona Supercomputing Centre and Repsol Foundation sign agreement to build ‘BSC-Repsol Building’
With a €6-millions contribution from Repsol, the new building is expected to be finished in 2016

By Biocat
The Barcelona Supercomputing Centre–Centre Nacional de Supercomputació (BSC-CNS) and Repsol Foundation have signed an agreement to build the “BSC-Repsol Building”, which will be the new corporate headquarters of the BSC-CNS. Work on the building, located on the North Campus of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia-BarcelonaTech (UPC), will be made possible through a €6-millions contribution from Repsol and is expected to be finished in 2016.
Director of the BSC-CNS Mateo Valero and Vice-President of the Repsol Foundation César Gallo signed a collaboration agreement on 29 November during the visit to the BSC-CNS from Spanish Minister for the Economy and Competitiveness Luis de Guindos, Catalan Minister of Economy and Competitiveness Andreu Mas-Colell, President of Repsol Antoni Brufau, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation Carmen Vela, and representatives from various companies that have signed collaboration agreements with the center.
When the new building is ready, it will house all of the center’s researchers in the first corporate headquarters of the BSC-CNS. Today, the center’s more than 300 researchers are located in different buildings at the UPC. Torre Girona will be the central location of the center, where the BSC’s flagship supercomputer, the MareNostrum, is currently located.
The BSC-CNS and Repsol have been working together since 2007 on R&D projects on the geophysics of hydrocarbon exploration. In addition to Repsol, the top benchmark in supercomputing in Spain also works with various private companies, like Intel, IBM, Nvidia and Microsoft. Created in 2004, the BSC has been recognized as a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, is a member of the European association for advanced supercomputing PRACE and manages the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES).
More information is available on the BSC-CNS website.