Biocat and the European Federation of Biotechnology Combine Forces to Stimulate Internationalization and the Knowledge Economy
The European Federation of Biotechnology has 225 institutional members and 5,000 individual members from 56 countries. Its main office is located in Barcelona.

Biocat and the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) have reached an accord to collaborate for the next three years. The presidents of the two entities, Dr. Manel Balcells and Dr. Mark Van Montagu, respectively, signed the agreement yesterday at Biocat headquarters. Their aim is to consolidate the EFB in Barcelona, where it currently holds its main office, and to combine forces in the areas of internationalization, organizing events for the biotechnology sector, training, and stimulating the knowledge economy.
The EFB is a non-profit organization that was created in the scientific arena in 1978. It encompasses research institutes, universities, companies, and individual members that are interested in promoting biotechnology within Europe and abroad. The EFB presently has 225 institutional members and 5,000 individual members hailing from 56 countries.
Through a network of 13 regional offices throughout Europe, the EFB endeavors to foment the safe, beneficial and sustainable use of life sciences; catalyze frontier research and innovation in biotechnology; provide a forum for international and interdisciplinary cooperation; improve public science knowledge; and promote dialogue between scientists and the public.
The agreement will offer various benefits to Catalan biotechnology. For example, the EFB has offered to provide free individual membership to each one of the BioRegion of Catalonia’s stakeholders.