Caixa Capital Micro to finance more than 150 micro-companies over three years
“la Caixa” has created Caixa Capital Micro, with support from the European Investment Fund, with a total of €8 millions.

"La Caixa" has just announced the creation of a new micro venture-capital vehicle, Caixa Capital Micro, to reinforce their line supporting entrepreneurs in the early stages. Caixa Capital Micro will be managed by Caixa Capital Risc and committed to helping recently created Spanish micro-companies that present their business plan in any sector of activity, as well as strengthening co-investment from other public and private stakeholders.
Caixa Capital Micro has been created with €8 millions from "la Caixa" and a guarantee from the European Community’s Framework Program for Innovation and Competitiveness (CIP), through a collaboration agreement signed with the European Investment Fund (EIF) that will allow them to invest in more than 150 companies over three years.
The investments will be channeled through a participative loan of €50,000. Since it was launched in December 2010, eight investments have been signed and paid out. Recipients include companies from the life sciences sector, like the spin-off iMicroQ, and others from the Internet and Information Technology sector. iMicroQ, created at the Rovira i Virgili University, in addition to being a runner-up in the third edition of the BioEmprenedorXXI program promoted by "la Caixa" and Biocat among others, develops, produces and markets kits to detect pathogens and toxins.
Under the framework of the CIP, which encompasses the 2007-2013 period, the European Investment Fund has earmarked €1,110 millions in venture capital –for innovative SMEs and high-growth companies– and guarantees.