The Catalan capital hosts around twenty activities for Barcelona Health Innovation Week
<p>20 research organizations, accelerators, companies and sector support agents held some 20 activities raising awareness of the wealth and diversity of the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem in Barcelona. This first edition of Barcelona Health Innovation Week was promoted by Biocat.</p>

The presentation of the 2022 BioRegion of Catalonia Report kicked off the first Barcelona Health Innovation Week, a week organized by Biocat dedicated to innovation, acceleration, technology and transformation in the healthcare sector. From February 13 to 16, 20 research organizations, accelerators, companies and sector support agents held some 20 activities raising awareness of the wealth and diversity of the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem in Barcelona.
The activities piqued the curiosity of hundreds of people from all over the region, who attended the various reflection, learning and networking sessions. Here is a selection of some of the activities so you can check out the chronicle of the session or social media publications:
February 13, 2023
- Presentació Informe de la BioRegió de Catalunya 2022 - Biocat
- European clusters dialogue for transformation - Biocat
February 14, 2023
- Esmorzar de Finançament: la resiliència de la inversió en salut – ACCIÓ
- Entrepreneurship Forum: Spanish 'Ley de Startups' – CataloniaBio & HealthTech
- Emprendre en HealthTech: claus per dur la idea al mercat – Xartec Salut
- Tech Transfer Day – Biocat
- Fall In Love with Innovation – Biocat and Kimitisik
February 15, 2023
- La Medicina Personalitzada i la seva transferència a la Societat – IBEC
- EUROSTARS: Collaborative funding programme for R&D performing companies – Catalyze
- Workshop on Mind-body Approaches to Boost Brain Capital – EMEA
- Biodesign Workshop: Experience a full cycle of innovation in healthcare - Biocat
- Panel discussion: Virtual Human Twins in medicine – COMB
- Alira Health & Biocat Startup Support Program Presentation – Alira Health and Biocat
February 16, 2023
- Aprendre del fracàs: com renéixer per arribar a l’èxit – CIMTI, Telefónica and Co-Salud
- CRAASH Barcelona 5th. Anniversary – Biocat