Debate: Opportunities in industrial biotechnology to reduce environmental impact of production
<p>On 14 and 15 February, CosmoCaixa is hosting a forum for international researchers from various arenas called together by B·Debate</p>
Nearly 100 people will gather at CosmoCaixa on 14 and 15 February to debate the opportunities industrial biotech offers for reducing the environmental impact of current chemical processes and making them more efficient and sustainable. This debate forum will feature international researchers from a variety of arenas.
The event, promoted by B·Debate –an initiative of Biocat and the “la Caixa” Foundation– and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), will focus on biotechnology for developing chemical products, energy and biofuel, as well as that associated with making biodrugs and vaccines or health-related products.
In this field, biotechnology offers opportunities to efficiently and safely make more effective drugs to treat cancer and cardiovascular, infectious and autoimmune diseases.
The debate will be led by Francesc Godia and Pau Ferrer, of the UAB Department of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, and feature speakers like James Philip (policy advisor to the OECD), Eleftherios Papoutsakis (expert in synthetic biology), Mathias Uhlen (leader of the efforts to create the Human Protein Atlas to make cancer treatments more effective), and Suren Erkman (speaking on industrial ecology).
- Registration is open through 13 February. For more information, contact Laura Rogel ( or call 93 310 33 30.
Date: 14 and 15 February
Place: CosmoCaixa Barcelona
More information is available on the B·Debate website.
Follow the debate on Twitter with the hashtags #BDIndustrialBiotech and #BDebate and the @BDebate account.