Secretary General of European Federation of Biotechnology
Is it possible that you didn’t know Europe’s largest and most inclusive biotechnology organization, with 235 Institutional and over 6,500 personal members, 12 Scientific Sections (and new Sections being developed on phyto-pharmaceuticals, and regenerative medicine), 6 Task Groups, and regional branch offices in 14 European countries plus China, India, Russia and Egypt, was headquartered in Barcelona as the next door neighbor of the BioRegion of Catalunya?
The EFB’s location in Barcelona highlights to the international biotechnology community the state of biotech in Barcelona, Catalunya, and Spain. Many of the EFB’s various activities are hosted in Barcelona, and it is from here that EFB coordinates cooperation projects with the rest of the world, such as the European Action on global Life Sciences. This presents an outstanding opportunity for companies and organizations in Catalunya and Spain (and of course the rest of the world, EFB is an international association) to get involved, make crucial contacts and leverage the EFB’s activities and European and international networks.
But what is the EFB? To get right down to it, the EFB is the voice of science for biotechnology in Europe. EFB works to foster the right atmosphere for biotech innovation, to enable biotechnology to serve its rightful role in society and to bring the benefits of biotechnology to society at large, in Europe and internationally. Active in all sectors of biotechnology, (bio-pharma, industrial, agricultural), focusing on the various scientific disciplines, and including all stakeholder groups among its members (leading European research universities, learned societies, research institutes, bioclusters, science parks, and both public and private companies from start-ups to large industry), the EFB is a strong advocate for the European biotechnology sector – meaning the mission of EFB benefits any university, company or organization with a stake in biotechnology in Europe. Is your organization a member of the European Federation of Biotechnology? EFB members are recognized across Europe and internationally as leaders in the campaign to develop Europe’s biotechnology sector and ensure a better environment that benefits all stakeholders?
EFB invites all organizations wishing to support biotechnology to become active members of the European Federation of Biotechnology. Join EFB; generate benefits for your own organization while supporting the EFB’s work to build a stronger European biotechnology sector. For information, just write the EFB Central Office at secgen@efb-central.org.
EFB has a number of key activities, from our Section’s focus on cutting edge science in the various disciplines, to European lobbying, education, fostering international relations, and leading the European dialogue on realizing and capturing value from world class European research.
What is of great importance though is the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology. Europe’s longest running and most renowned biotechnology conference, the European Congress on Biotechnology has been held consistently since 1978, and is the only pan-European, multi-disciplinary scientific biotechnology congress. The 14th European Congress on Biotechnology will take place in Barcelona on 13-16 September 2009. In line with the EFB’s mission, the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology will once again focus on bringing the benefits of biotechnology to society. With the central theme of SYMBIOSIS – Science, Industry & Society, the focus will be on cutting-edge biotech innovations and their application in support of society.
Since the Symbiosis theme was launched, the European Congress on Biotechnology rapidly became the most international biotechnology event in Europe, with over 1350 delegates from 74 countries at the last edition. At least 1500 delegates from around the world are expected at the 14th edition in September 2009, and these will include many of the most eminent biotechnologists from around the world presenting cutting edge science, senior industry executives and biotech CEOs, European and national policy-makers, regulators, and media. Simply put, the European Congress on Biotechnology brings together a unique mix of the key actors in the European and global biotechnology sector. With such a unique opportunity, and in Barcelona in September, how can any serious biotech researcher or company miss it? Full details are available at www.ecb14.eu