Five Catalan biotechnology companies in the investors’ forum of Genoma España
Regenear, Endoasic, Minoryx Therapeutics —winner and runners up for the BioEmprenedorXXI Award—, aScidea Computational Biology Solutions and Advancell.

Genoma España has organized a forum in Madrid on 14 December, where 15 business projects from different regions of Spain will be presented to investors looking for business opportunities in the biotechnology industry. Some of the projects are in the form of business plans and others are already established companies.
From Catalonia, five companies will travel to Madrid to attract new investors:
- Regenear: whose business is the development and marketing of biokits for the regeneration of 3-dimensional cartilage structures from the patient’s own cells. It recently won the fourth BioEmprenedorXXI Award promoted by Barcelona Activa, Biocat, the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, “la Caixa" and Genoma España.
- Endoasic: first runner up for the BioEmprenedorXXI Award, whose business is the design and marketing of new devices and semiconductor chips to power the endoscopic capsule industry, in particular, for the screening and clinical diagnosis of gastrointestinal cancer.
- Minoryx Therapeutics: second runner up for the BioEmprenedorXXI Award, focusing on the discovery of drugs primarily for rare paediatric diseases such as metabolic diseases of genetic origin and muscle diseases.
- aScidea Computational Biology Solutions: whose lines of business are the automated computational analysis of data, the development of biocomputational solutions to meet the demands of the client, training and consultancy.
- Advancell: renowned Catalan biotech specialized in the development of candidate drugs with high marketing potential. The company generates the candidates by identifying new applications for known drugs (repositioning) and/or thanks to its innovative delivery nanosystem technology (reformulation). Advancell plans to create a spin-out for the development of the nanosystem business unit. In this process, it offers investors the chance to participate in the financing of two or three pre-clinical opportunities leading to a pilot clinical phase.
During the day, grants will also be awarded for the best business plans from the editions of the regional entrepreneurship programmes BioEmprenedorXXI (Catalonia), Bioances 2011 (Galicia), Madrid Bioemprende 2011 and Andalusia Bioemprende 2011. These business plans are included in the projects that will be presented during the forum. The award of the grants will be the responsibility of Rafael Camacho, CEO of Genoma España; Joachim Greuel, academic director of the Master in Biotechnology Management; Pau Villalba, technical manager of Ances; Carlos Lurigados, Project Director of the Innovation Area of Biocat, and Mª José Martínez, director of Innovation and Sustainability of the agency, Idea.
The forum is open to investors, entrepreneurs and executives form the biotechnology industry.
Confirmation of attendance: Genoma España (Noelia Romero) • Tel +34 91 449 12 50 •
Date: 14 December 2011
Time: from 9 am to 3 pm
Venue: Instituto de Empresa • C / Maria de Molina, 6, 1º • Madrid (Spain)