Government promotes first Law on Science in Catalonia
The future law aims to address the importance of science in Catalonia, which requires a legal instrument that recognizes and reinforces the system.

By Biocat
At yesterday’s meeting of the Government, among other agreements, a measure was approved to start up the process to create the Catalan Law on Science in order to consolidate and reinforce the excellence of the Catalan research system. The future law will lay out the Government of Catalonia’s exclusive competences in this area, define and reinforce the autonomy of research centers and structures and ensure the continuity of the scientific policy that has made Catalonia the leading knowledge hub in southern Europe.
Approval of this new piece of legislation will be key to boosting a new knowledge-based economic model, which continues to add value to actions promoted by the Government, and consolidating Catalonia as a highly competitive model for research centers. It will also allow the country to attract and retain talent.
So far, various Governments have mainly worked on strategic plans and programs in scientific policy, including the CERCA Program and the ICREA Program.
The Government’s press release provides more details on the aims of the future Law on Science.
Related news (18/6/2011)