Health Plan 2016-2020 aims to integrate social healthcare
<p>Catalan Minister Boi Ruiz explains that the budget won’t increase but research in genetics and epigenetics will</p>

The Health Plan sets three main aims for the coming four years. Through a total of 11 lines of action and 43 projects, which have been established progressively since the first meeting in Sitges on 27 November 2014, the Ministry of Health is seeking to protect citizens from disease through the public health system, to provide the best possible care to make conditions chronic, and to ensure quick treatment, according to social and clinical criteria and preferably close to the patient’s home, if there is no cure.
Catalan Minister of Health Boi Ruiz, who is also vice-president of the Biocat Board of Trustees, highlighted these aims while presenting the new Plan in Sant Cugat del Vallès to an auditorium full of more than 800 professionals from the sector. One idea marked the event: reflecting on people’s needs and the priorities of healthcare policies.
New in this announcement, Boi Ruiz explained that by 2020 social care must be integrated into healthcare. Patient experience must be key in developing a service that balances health and social aspects to make sure patients receive aid when they have lost their autonomy, a goal that was also included in the current plan (2011-2015). As an example, he explained that schools must be involved with hospitalized children.
The Minister explained that the budget won’t be increased to promote the lines of action, but he ensured that measures will be taken to free up resources to be put towards the new goals. The lines focus on intensifying research in genetics and epigenetics, including pharmaceutical innovations, increased control of chronic and diabetic patients, being more alert to other diseases and, once again, moving towards an integrated view of social and healthcare.
Over the coming years (2016-2020) the system must strive for better quality of life for people in general and patients specifically, with equal access to healthcare and treatments that are as personalized as possible with healthcare instruments playing an important role. There is a clear commitment to developing ICT tools and making their use widespread.
The event also served to take stock of the current plan and emphasize the importance of establishing a space for debate, through the upcoming Plan, among all the stakeholders of the sector in Catalonia in order to improve current healthcare standards. The specific ideas and aims from the meeting will be incorporated into the Plan before it receives final approval at the end of the year.
More information is available in the press release.