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The commission of Culture, Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation of the Barcelona City Council  has approved to designate ten persons of recognized value in the cultural area as members of the Plenum of the Barcelona Culture Council, once the mandate of ten of the last members appointed between 2007 and 2009 has expired.

The new named members are Xavier Antich, doctor in philosophy and full professor of Aesthetics at the University of Girona; Judit Carrera, director of Debates of the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB); Lourdes Cirlot, professor of Art History at the University of Barcelona; Carles Duarte, poet and linguist; Sílvia Muñoz, historian and art critic; Isona Passola, cinema producer, scriptwriter and director; Álex Sàlmon, journalist; Montserrat Vendrell , doctor in biological sciences and CEO at Biocat; Toni Casares, playwright and director of the Sala Beckett, and Daniel Giralt-Miracle, historian of the art and critic.

The Plenum of the Barcelona Culture Council, presided by the city’s mayor, is the maximum representation organ of Barcelona Culture Council. It concentrates the consultative functions and its main objective is to select the Executive Committee. The composition of the Plenum tries to balance political representatives, main cultural entities representatives and reknown  people within the cultural area.

The fact that Montserrat Vendrell incorporates into this Council will help to promote the divulging of the biotechnology within Barcelona’s cultural area. One of the five Biocat strategic axes is the social perception of biotechnology, which embraces several actions in this sense and which can be consulted in the entity’s 2010 Report of Activities.

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