The Occitan Catalan Oncology Group holds its 18th annual meeting, bringing the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion closer
Biocat participated in the meeting to promote the oncology network within the Euroregion. The Group released its “White Book on Radiation Therapy Oncology in Catalonia”.

The Occitan Catalan Oncology Group (GOCO), an association for cancer radiation therapy professionals (doctors, physicists, technicians and nurses) from Catalonia and historic Occitane (Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrenees, France), held its annual meeting last Friday at the Hospital General de Catalunya.
Biocat participated in the meeting, to promote this professional oncology association within the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion, which encompasses the Southern Europe Biocluster (BSE). The BSE is an informal network of regions from both sides of the Pyrenees (the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Languedoc-Rousillon, and Midi-Pyrenees) that is designed to stimulate collaborations among its members and their respective players.
Since its inception in 1993, GOCO has strived to promote teaching, training, and professional exchanges in oncology and related fields. It also endeavors to develop shared protocols for cancer diagnosis and treatment and to organize basic and clinical cancer research in southern Europe. Its members include ten Catalan and two French hospitals. The meeting received financial support, via Biocat, from the Euroregion and the Catalan government’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
This year’s meeting, whose theme was Radiation Therapy Treatments (New Molecules), included debates on families of therapeutic targets, radiation therapy innovations, and the use of new technologies, as well as release of Goco’s White Book on Radiation Therapy Oncology in Catalonia (Llibre blanc d'oncologia radioteràpica a Catalunya).