Trade mission to Bio-Partnering North America 2010 and to the British Columbia biocluster

The Canadian Consulate in Barcelona, ASEBIO, Genoma España and ICEX are organizing a trade mission to the symposium Bio-Partnering North America in Vancouver (Canada) and to the British Columbia biocluster next 24th to 28th of January 2010.
The British Columbia biocluster is the seventh more important in North America in number of companies with over 300 biotechnological, pharmaceutical and sanitary technology companies. It has experienced a rapid growth with a high concentration of research institutions, excellence centers, first line universities, international researchers and hospitals. This biocluster is specialized in sectors like oncology, genome, infectious diseases, neuroscience, regenerative medicine, antibodies and vaccines. According to The Scientist magazine, the University of British Columbia leads the ranking of Canadian universities as for the quality of the patented research is concerned.
Through this trade mission, the Spanish companies will be able to take part in Bio-Partnering North America from next 24th to 26th of January. It will provide them possibilities to explore partnerships with the over 550 biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies from Canada, United States, Europe and Asia assisting. On the 27th and 28th of January they will have scheduled visits to some of the most interesting companies of the British Columbia biocluster which will be organized by the Canadian Consulate in Barcelona and the Life Sciences British Columbia.
Why you should take part in this trade mission?
- To have prescheduled one-to-one meetings with participant companies. Last edition, in 2009, over 3,450 meetings took place.
- To search new projects, alliances, research agreements, technological transfer and commercialization in several areas and disciplines with top North American companies in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical fields.
- To broaden the network of contacts with the over 1,100 participants, including representatives of capital risk funds, through the numerous networking sessions which offers the symposium.
- To discover the novelties and advances of the Canadian biopharmaceutical sector.
- To make a presentation of your company or to be in the symposium as an exhibitor company.
Registration and/or information on funding for participants:
ASEBIO (David Fernández, responsible for Internationalization) • • Tel. +34 91 210 93 10
Genoma España (José María Toro) • • Tel. +34 91 449 12 50 (Ext. 33)
Further information:
Canadian Consulate in Barcelona (Aurora Polo, commercial attaché) • • Tel. +34 93 412 72 36 (Ext. 3360)