"A great idea is worthless without a business model"

Sofía Ferreira
Industrial engineer. In 2020, she took part in the Biocat d·Health Barcelona program and set up Heecap with Laura Lizama. She currently combines her passion for this startup with her job in the Innovation Department at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.
Sofía Ferreira and Laura Lizama founded Heecap in 2020 to provide a solution to weakened respiratory muscles, above all the diaphragm, in patients on mechanical ventilation in intensive care units.
The startup was created out of the Biocat d·HEALTH Barcelona program, where the entrepreneurs used the Stanford Biodesign method to detect an unmet clinical need and developed a feasible solution with a realistic business model.
Heecap was one of the projects chosen to participate in the 5th edition of the CRAASH Barcelona program, which kicked off this September.