"The journey of a medtech or biotech is very different from other businesses"

James Hugall
He holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom). Previously in his professional career, he was a researcher at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (Barcelona). In 2019, he decided to develop his entrepreneurial talent by taking part in the Biocat d·HEALTH Barcelona program, from which his first business project was created one year later: Breaz Medical.
Breaz Medical is a medtech startup created by James Hugall and Petra Stockinger in 2020 based on an unmet clinical need discovered during their time in the Biocat d·HEALTH Barcelona program. The company is working to make diagnosis of respiratory diseases easier, more intuitive and more accessible for patients and healthcare professionals.
In 2020, Breaz Medical received funding through ACCIÓ Startup Capital, an initiative for early stage startups created during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in 2021 was a finalist in the annual IMAGINE IF! startup competition, held by Innovation Forum.
In this interview, James Hugall shares how he became an entrepreneur, the differences between biotech and medtech startups, his experience in the d·HEALTH Barcelona program and his time at the Vision Health Pioneers Incubator in Germany, and the startup’s goals for the coming years.
Biocat launched the call to take part in the d·Health Part Time program this month. This new hybrid edition will last six months and include a two-week clinical immersion at four hospitals in Catalonia. If you want to become a health entrepreneur, sign up!