Startups & scaleups
Startups and scaleups are driving growth in the BioRegion. In 2024 alone, they raised €347 million in investment. Since 2013, the rate of startup creation has exceeded 50 companies per year. Additionally, 24% of health sector startups in Catalonia are spin-offs from research institutions, and 31% of emerging companies are led by women.

Inbrain Neuroelectronics
A spin-off from the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) and the Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), which has developed an electrocorticography (μECoG) grid for intraoperative brain mapping to support brain resection surgery in patients with epilepsy or brain tumours.
112 startups and scaleups are working on health AI in Catalonia this 2024
155 companies develop this transformative and strategic technology for the health sector. The majority of these companies (112) are startups and scaleups, a figure that represents an increase of 32% compared to 2023, which at the same time represent 24% of the total active startups and scaleups in the BioRegion (470). Together they have attracted 61% of the total risk capital raised.
Investment in startups and scaleups has returned to the annual trend of exceeding €200 million
After a record year for investment indicators in the BioRegion in 2022, the challenging geopolitical and economic context of 2023 anticipated a predictable decline in investment figures. Therefore, the €220 million raised by Catalan startups and scaleups in 2023 has been a positive development for the sector. In fact, it restores the trend established in 2020 and 2021 by surpassing the €200 million mark.
Featured startups

Impress specializes in invisible orthodontics and uses the most advanced technology for diagnosing and improving oral health. They closed a €122 million round in 2022.

Minoryx Therapeutics
Minoryx develops therapies for orphan diseases of the central nervous system. In May 2022, the company closed a €51 million Series C round and in November licensed its drug leriglitazone for X-ALD.

Splice Bio
Splice Bio uses protein splicing to push the limits of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector applications and develop gene therapies for large genes.

A company that has developed a medical device for non-invasive electrical brain stimulation for personalised neuromodulation. This device measures and modifies brain function to restore health, minimise disability and improve patients' lives.

HumanITCare has developed a telemedicine platform that allows for remote medical monitoring, provides at home care and compiles data in real time for research.

UsMIMA (MowoOt)
UsMIMA has developed a medical device (MowoOt), inspired by the abdominal massages of the Institut Guttman therapists, for chronic constipation. It is the first startup created from the d·HEALTH Barcelona program.