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A total of 42 Catalan companies and 17 institutions make up the Catalan delegation that will participate in the BIO (Biotechnology Industry Organization) convention in Washington from 27 to 30 June. This is the most important convention in the world in the field of biotechnology. Catalan representation at this convention accounts for 50% of the Spanish total.

Biocat, as it has done for the past four years, is coordinating the participation of Catalan companies and organizations from the biotechnology and biomedicine sector in the BioRegion of Catalonia.  Catalan representatives will be located in the Spanish pavilion coordinated by the ICEX in collaboration with Genoma España, Asebio and the three BioRegions with their own dedicated area: Catalonia, the Basque Country and Andalusia.

The BioRegion of Catalonia pavilion will have 250 square meters of space for 27 individual stands and 42 square meters set aside for Biocat, which they make available to the 16 research institutions and biotech-related organizations, and 15 companies that are participating in the convention without their own stand. The Catalan companies that have confirmed they will participate are mainly biotechnology firms, although there are also some pharmaceutical, medical technology and sector-support businesses.

For Catalan companies and research organizations, BIO is a worldwide showcase for the biotechnology industry, the place where they can test new markets and establish contacts with clients, partners and investors. In addition to the exhibition space, BIO offers a series of activities like partnering sessions; the presentation of renowned sectorial reports from Ernest & Youg and Burrill; a wide-reaching schedule of conferences and debates with keynote speakers like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair; and a variety of events to foster networking.

Biocat will promote Catalan participation with actions geared toward local companies and organizations, international delegations and Catalan researchers from the area, with the aim of driving competitiveness, strengthening international links and attracting talent to the sector, this time in one of the main hubs of worldwide business. This year, the promoters of the national pavilion will encourage companies to participate in the Business Forum, the partnering space which is key to making the most of an organization’s presence at BIO.

From computational chemistry to biotechnology solutions for better health

Most Catalan companies that will attend BIO will present innovative projects and proposals in the different sectors of biotechnology in order to begin or intensify their internationalization process. These companies include Intelligent Pharma, a company specializing in computational services tailored to the research needs of their bioclients and providing the support they need throughout their projects. This firm is participating in the BIO convention for the fourth consecutive year with the aim of internationalizing their business. Once their activity was consolidated in the Spanish market, at the beginning of 2010, Intelligent Pharma began to work on their internationalization plan and, after closing a number of deals with American, Mexican and English companies, they are now aiming to open a branch in the United States.

Additionally, AB-Biotics, a biotechnology firm devoted to developing ingredients for functional foods that produce and develop microorganisms that can induce fermentation in industrial processes, will present two new products in Washington: the AB-LIFE functional ingredient, which can reduce cholesterol level up to 14% and opens the doors to probiotic therapy to treat cardiovascular disease, and I3.1, a probiotic that improves quality of life for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. AB-Biotics is studying the possibility of acquiring a US laboratory in order to improve the penetration of their products in that country.

Bionure, which works to develop neuroprotector drugs, focusing on multiple sclerosis (MS) and glaucoma in particular, will travel to BIO for the first time. Their aim is to contact as many partners as possible to co-develop their main project, G79, to treat multiple sclerosis, glaucoma and Parkinson. They will also work to reach agreements with other companies to license or jointly develop G79 for other neurodegenerative diseases.

Neurotec Pharma is a company devoted to developing new therapeutic products in the field of acute and chronic diseases affecting the central nervous system.  They are currently developing an oral drug (NT-KO-003) to treat multiple sclerosis (MS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that will generate a new action mechanism based on inhibiting microglial reactivity. Neurotec has already reached a joint development agreement with Barcelona-based company Advancell, which will also be present in Washington, to license the drug to a pharmaceutical company after it has completed the clinical phase in 2013 to continue development through to market launch.

A large delegation from the BioRegion of Catalonia participated in the previous edition (46 companies and organizations), 95% of which declared they met their pre-established goals and evaluated the contacts they made positively.

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