Some of the business models proposed to solve clinical needs identified within d·HEALTH Barcelona program have evolved until the creation of an startup able to take the new product/service to the market. This section contents information about these companies.

d·HEALTH Barcelona outcomes
startups out of 25 projects
product on the marked
Design Health Barcelona actively promotes entrepreneurship
One of the main goals of the program is to encourage fellows to launch their own ventures by the end of the course. So far, 30% of our graduates are managing their own healthcare projects, some of which were based on needs they identified during the clinical immersion.
Several alumni have founded businesses that are currently active:

This startup has developed a testing platform that helps doctors and nurses in the early detection of COPD to allow large population screening in primary care.

Heecap is developing an innovative device to keep the diaphragmatic strength of ICU patients by using non-invasive electrostimulation, speeding up recovery and cutting days on mechanical ventilation.

Loop Diagnostics
Loop Dx has developed a diagnostic device for a faster identification of blood infection in patients suspected of having sepsis, in order to reduce mortality rates.

Manina Medtech
Manina offers a point-of-care device that non-invasively detects uterine readiness for embryo transfer, allowing test and transfer on the same day. Born from d·HEALTH the project has been accelerated through CRAASH.

MowoOt (UsMIMA)
UsMIMA has developed a medical device (MowoOt), inspired by the abdominal massages of the Institut Guttman therapists, for chronic constipation. It is the first startup to emerge from the d·HEALTH Barcelona program.