The UPF and the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona will make joint research in the area of image and biomedical computational modelling
It is a public-private alliance model, with a determined international projection and that will be managed by Insigneo Barcelona Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Modelling.

The Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona will work together for the development of a scientific-technical infrastructure in the area of biomedical image, systems applied to minimally invasive interventionism and biomedical information management in Catalonia, with the objective of becoming a leader in Europe.
Medical technologies applied to medicine advance towards the new paradigm of personalized medicine. It is a research area in expansion that will continue growing in the next years. Some of these technologies, and very particularly the ones related with image and minimally invasive interventionism, make reference to minimally invasive interventions guidance, medical robotics, computational medical image, computational physiological moulding and health information systems.
To establish the bases of this collaboration, the UPF rector, Josep Joan Moreso, the managing director and the deputy director of the Hospital Clínic, Raimon Belenes and Josep M. Piqué, respectively, have signed an agreement.
This public-private model is innovative, with a determined international projection and will be managed by Insigneo Barcelona Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Modelling. Insigneo is a recently established foundation promoted by the UPF, which wants to become an international referent in R+D+i transferring image and simulation in the context of medical technologies and minimally invasive interventionism. The creation of the new institute is born from the experience attained by the Research Group for Computational Imaging and Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine (CISTIB). This research centre is directed by Alejandro Frangi, ICREA researcher and teacher of the UPF Department of Information and Communications Technologies. It will develop research and knowledge transfer through projects which stand between the new techniques and methods of image and biomedical simulation, and diagnostic and therapeutic problems with direct application at hospitals.
The UPF and the Hospital Clínic have been collaborating in projects of the 6th and 7th Framework Programs for about six years. The Hospital Clínic stands out for the sanitary assistance of high level and a welfare centre with the highest scientific production in the biomedical area in Spain, and one of the first in Europe.