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The Catalonia Health and Life Sciences Data Platform, the directory of the BioRegion of Catalonia, has incorporated significant improvements to facilitate the search and visualization of information about companies and organizations in Catalonia's health innovation ecosystem. These updates respond to user needs and enhance the browsing experience, providing more efficient and intuitive tools that make accessing key information easier.

  • Improvement of Company Profiles: The company profiles have been updated to offer better visibility of the logo, a clearer layout of fields, a more organized information structure, as well as more comprehensive descriptions and product details.
  • New Map Function: One of the most notable new features is the addition of a map option for viewing results. This function can be applied to all specific searches within the Directory, offering a geographical view of the companies.
  • Search Field Suggestions: The search fields have been enhanced with the addition of entity suggestions, and the advanced search fields are now always visible, eliminating the need to expand additional options as before.
  • Search by Advanced Therapies: An option to search by advanced therapies has been incorporated, allowing the search to return organizations that are developing gene therapies, cell therapies, or bioengineering products.


Nearly 1,800 Companies and Organizations

Biocat has maintained a public directory since 2008, aiming to allow interested individuals to access and consult information about the companies and organizations that comprise the life sciences and health ecosystem in Catalonia.

The current application, revamped in 2022 and built on Salesforce, is updated daily by Biocat. It includes nearly 1,800 companies and organizations, and allows searches by entity name, year of foundation, subsectors, therapeutic areas, products based on their development phase, raised investment, and revenue.


Would you like to be part of it?

The Catalonia Health and Life Sciences Data Platform is an open, English-language tool available for free consultation to everyone. If you are a company, a startup/scaleup, or an institution working in the life sciences and health sector in Catalonia and you are not listed in the directory (or wish to update your profile), you can fill out this form.

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