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A strategic stakeholder for promoting the BioRegion

Biocat is a strategic stakeholder and catalyst for building, driving and projecting the Catalan life sciences and healthcare ecosystem, known as the BioRegion of Catalonia.

Biocat was established in 2006 as a public-private foundation at the behest of the Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council to identify the needs of the BioRegion and implement a strategy and action plan to maximize the economic and social impact of the life sciences and health innovation ecosystem in Catalonia.

The focal points that underpin Biocat’s strategy are:

  • Accelerating technology transfer and business growth through activities that boost capacities in the sector, with special emphasis on value added for research, knowledge transfer, internationalization, access to capital and attracting investment.
  • Projecting the ecosystem, establishing strategies and actions to improve awareness of the sector’s assets and potential, and boosting its reputation and visibility both nationally and internationally, with the aim to position the BioRegion as one of the main health innovation hubs in Europe.
  • Fostering the innovative capacities and development of entrepreneurial and research talent through programs to drive new innovative health projects, training and improving the skills of professionals, and preparing future leaders and business managers.
  • Connecting stakeholders in the ecosystem with each other and international players to promote synergies and opportunities for growth, thanks to a deep understanding of the ecosystem’s assets and challenges and of the sector’s trends and strategies locally and globally.

diagrama-mandat-biocat.pngBiocat works to maximize the economic and social impact of the life sciences and health innovation ecosystem in Catalonia.

Biocat’s governing bodies include representatives from all areas and levels of the BioRegion of Catalonia: Administration, companies (biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical technology and services), universities, hospitals, research centers and institutes, science parks and sector support organizations.

The BioRegion, the life sciences and healthcare ecosystem in Catalonia, brings together over 1,500 companies and organizations and is considered one of the top innovation hubs in Europe. It is based on excellent research, a quality higher education system and a network of talent, institutions,  investors and companies that are doing cutting-edge research and provide the sector with innovation and services.

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