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Biocat Board of Trustees, 2023

Its members are appointed by the Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council, various business associations (Farmaindustria [5], CataloniaBIO & HealthTech [3] and Fenin Catalonia [2]) and several organizations like the Barcelona Medical Association (COMB), Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP), Catalan Association of Research Centers (ACER), Network of Science and Technology Parks of Catalonia (XPCAT) and the university hospitals; each appointing one member.

  • M. Hble. Sr. Pere Aragonès i Garcia, President of the Government of Catalonia and President of the Biocat Board of Trustees
  • Hble. Sr. Manel Balcells i Díaz, Catalan Minister of Health and First Vice-president of the Biocat Board of Trustees
  • Hble. Sra. Natàlia Mas i Guix, Catalan Minister of Economy and Finance 
  • Hble. Sr. Joaquim Nadal i Farreras, Catalan Minister of Research and Universities 
  • Hble. Sr. Roger Torrent i Ramió, Catalan Minister of Business and Labor 
  • Hble. Sr. David Mascort i Subiranas, Catalan Minister of Climate Action, Food and the Rural Agenda
  • Sr. Jordi Valls Riera, Fourth Deputy Mayor, representative of the Barcelona City Council
  • Sr. Ignasi Biosca i Reig, representative of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, CEO of Laboratoris Reig Jofré and Second Vice-president of the Biocat Board of Trustees
  • Sr. Antoni Esteve Cruella, representative of Farmaindustria, Director of Esteve Pharmaceuticals and President of AdSalutem
  • Sra. Lídia Martín Pereda, representative of Farmaindustria, General Manager of Almirall
  • Sra. Fina Lladós Canela, representative of Farmaindustria, CEO of Amgen 
  • Sr. David Solanes López, representative of Farmaindustria, General Manager of Laboratorios Ern 
  • Sra. Raquel Tapia Rodríguez, representative of Farmaindustria, General Manager of Sanofi-Aventis
  • Sr. Joan Puig de Dou, representative of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, President of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, CEO of Kymos Pharma Services
  • Sra. Mariona Serra Pagès, representative of CataloniaBio & HealthTech, co-founder and CEO of GoodGut
  • Sr. José Luís Fernández Serrat, representative of Fenin Catalonia, General Manager of AB Medica Group 
  • Sr. Marc Pérez Pey, representative of Fenin Catalonia, President of Fenin Catalonia, Vice-president for Western Europe and Africa at HARTMANN Group
  • Sra. Georgina Sorrosal de Luna, representative of the Barcelona Medical Association, Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Barcelona Medical Association
  • Rector Mgfc. Sr. Daniel Crespo Artiaga, representative of the Catalan Association of Public Universities, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) 
  • Sr. Francesc Posas Garriga, representative of the Catalan Association of Research Centers, Director of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB)
  • Sr. Josep M. Campistol Plana, representative of research intensive hospitals in Catalonia, General Director of Hospital Clínic Barcelona
  • Sra. Maria Terrades Palomar, representative of the Network of Science and Technology Parks of Catalonia, CEO of Barcelona Science Park
  • Sr. Lluís García Pareras, partner at Invivo Capital
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