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2023 has been a pivotal year for prioritizing and advancing strategic national initiatives to enhance Catalonia's standing in research, innovation, and future healthcare. Biocat has introduced the Operational Plan for Access to Innovation in the Catalonia Health System and the Action Plan for the Hub of Advanced and Emerging Therapies in Catalonia.

Another significant event was Barcelona being chosen to host BIOSPAIN 2023, one of the largest international biotechnology events in Southern Europe, held from September 26 to 28, 2023, thanks to a coordinated collaboration between Biocat, the Government of Catalonia, and the Barcelona City Council. Additionally, Barcelona was selected again to host BIO-Europe Spring 2024.


International Positioning and Influence of the BioRegion

Noteworthy are the major international events held in Barcelona this year, such as the 4YFN, where more than 45 health startups from the BioRegion participated. Additionally, the well-established BioRegion of Catalonia Report 2022 was published and presented, and the Barcelona Health Innovation Week was launched. During this week, 20 research entities, accelerators, companies, and sector support agents organized around twenty activities to showcase the richness and diversity of Barcelona's life sciences and health ecosystem.

As in previous years, Biocat has continued to work intensively on developing various innovation programs, training professionals and entrepreneurs, accelerating projects, accessing capital and investors, and disseminating sectoral knowledge. Throughout this report, we review a selection of initiatives and projects that have received significant resources and had a notable impact.

2023, a year of advancing strategic projects

Summary of the year’s key highlights

The data and activities presented in this report summarize all activities carried out from January to December 2023. For more detailed information, please refer to the News section of this website and filter by content type and date.

2022 BioRegion of Catalonia Report

The BioRegion of Catalonia Report 2022 was presented in January 2023, showcasing the most relevant data of the Catalan ecosystem.

Barcelona Health Innovation Week

The inaugural edition of this week dedicated to innovation, technology, and transformation in healthcare took place from February 13 to 16, 2023.

Innovation Adoption in the Catalan Healthcare System Program

The Innovation Adoption Subcommittee in the Healthcare System, coordinated by Biocat, presented the Operational Plan in September.

Advanced and Emerging Therapies Hub of Catalonia

The working group promoting the Advanced Therapies Network of Catalonia, coordinated by Biocat, presented the action plan in December.

CRAASH Barcelona

In 2023, the sixth edition of CRAASH Barcelona was held, the acceleration program promoted by Biocat with 6 selected teams.

d·HEALTH Barcelona Part Time

Four multidisciplinary teams participated in the first edition of d·HEALTH Barcelona Part Time.

Second meeting of Technology Transfer Offices

In February, Biocat organized the second edition of Tech Transfer Day, the annual meeting of the Technology Transfer Offices of Catalonia.

Invest BioRegion Portal

In May, Biocat launched the Invest BioRegion Portal matchmaking platform to provide visibility for Catalan startups and projects from the BioRegion of Catalonia.

Support for internationalization

In 2023, different activities have been carried out to position Biocat and the BioRegion internationally.

Projecting the BioRegion

Check the impact of Biocat’s activities and programs across various communication channels.

Other activities 2023

In 2023, Biocat participated in essential appointments for the ecosystem of the BioRegion.

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