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MHP Pere aragones
Mr. Pere Aragonès i GarciaPresident of the Government of Catalonia and President of the Biocat Board of Trustees

Catalonia has become one of the most competitive health innovation hubs in Europe. This potential is clearly reflected in the data presented in Biocat’s 2023 Activity Report, which undoubtedly results from years of excellent work; it is the outcome of a solid and consolidated national commitment to strategically strengthen and enhance the entire ecosystem surrounding health research and innovation in Catalonia.

In 2023, all health innovation indicators continue to advance. Today, this sector comprises over 1,400 companies and 91 research entities, which together account for 265,000 jobs and have an economic impact of 7.9% of GDP. This potential leads us to regard life and health sciences as a strategic sector for our country, one that must continue to be supported and enhanced by the Government of Catalonia, as we have seen in this legislative term.

Over the past three years, we have made significant progress. We have mobilized more resources, investments, projects, and research infrastructure with the goal of supporting a sector that has long depended on the talent, effort, and dedication of its researchers. This year, we have implemented the Science Law. We have reinvigorated investment, mobilizing more than 1 billion euros in research for the first time—a record amount that had never been achieved before; and we needed to continue thinking big and driving new initiatives that underscore the ambition of Catalan research, such as the Access to the Catalan Healthcare System program and the Advanced and Emerging Therapies Hub of Catalonia.

Undoubtedly, Biocat is a crucial player in the life and health sciences ecosystem. It takes on a leadership role, acting as a driving force for the sector and as a bridge between the various actors within the ecosystem. The impressive results of this year’s Biospain in Barcelona, the ability to attract over 1 billion euros in foreign investment, and the 220 million euros raised by startups and scale-ups are testament to this.

This is certainly the path forward—driven by an undeniable transformative vision, ambition, and a commitment to leadership. Driven by the will to advance, to prosper, and to progress. All of this is what the research and knowledge ecosystem in the health sector contributes to our country. Building a future with more opportunities. Building a future with greater well-being and prosperity for everyone. That is why we must continue investing in research and science. Because this is the best way to invest in the future.

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Robert Fabregat i

In 2023, we have experienced a year full of activity, enriched by numerous initiatives led or directly promoted by various agents within the BioRegion of Catalonia. These efforts further reinforce our position as a leading health innovation ecosystem in Europe. This is reflected not only in the key indicators presented in the BioRegion Report 2022 but also in our continued international visibility, positioning us as a highly attractive ecosystem for businesses and professionals in the sector. Events such as the recent BIOSPAIN edition in Barcelona, which set records for attendance, participation, internationalization, sponsorships, and networking, underscore this achievement.

However, 2023 has been not just a year for addressing the present but also for defining and beginning to build the future. As a leading and unifying entity in Catalonia’s sector, Biocat’s primary duty is to identify new challenges, envision opportunities, establish the foundations for what lies ahead, and pave the way to previously unknown horizons for which we must be prepared—not only to adapt but to lead and excel in these future scenarios.

To transition from a reactive stance to a proactive approach in tackling new challenges and needs, Biocat has engaged in extensive analysis, diagnosis, debate, and reflection with key ecosystem actors and its own Board of Trustees. This has culminated in the Strategic Plan 2024-2027. This document serves as a roadmap to precisely identify the challenges and needs our society will face, how to leverage our existing strengths, and the best ways to address our weaknesses or gaps. Strategic lines for the BioRegion have been identified, including the transformation of the Healthcare System to ensure its quality, universality, and sustainability; fostering the growth and consolidation of the sector; advancing the development and implementation of new therapeutic strategies for unmet conditions; emphasizing the attraction and development of top talent; and continuing to project and position Barcelona and Catalonia as international leaders in science and health innovation.

In this context, Biocat is the primary tool for the BioRegion to embrace and lead these new opportunities. With utmost humility but a total commitment to creating synergies, collaborations, and collective progress, Biocat has identified projects and initiatives that can best help achieve these goals by the end of the 2024-2027 period. Some are strategic actions and projects that have been ongoing for many years and remain essential for the sector's growth. Others are new, pivotal, and transformative projects aimed at making a qualitative leap towards a new future, such as the promotion and coordination of the Innovation Adoption Program in the Healthcare System (PASS) and the Advanced Therapies Network of Catalonia. Both initiatives aim to enhance our existing capabilities, strengthen necessary areas, and direct the maximum possible efforts and resources towards the agile and efficient development and implementation of transformative and disruptive innovation. This will improve public health and well-being while consolidating a high-value-added ecosystem from both economic and social perspectives.

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